$14.00 AUD

Every month

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Monthly Content Calendar & Ideas

Ever wished you could get all the content ideas you need for the next month, all served up on a platter?

Your wish is my command!

This two-page calendar and planner includes theme days, events and post prompts to give you all the ideas you need to create your monthly social media content quickly, strategically and well in advance. 

In this two-page caleandar and planner you'll get...

  • Key dates & theme days for the month
  • 20+ content prompts to get your post ideas flowing 
  • A strategic schedule with a solid balance of content

For one tiny monthly fee, save yourself hours of Google searching, brainstorming and planning each month!

Subscriptions are charged monthly and you can unsubscribe at any time!

First calendars are available from 1st July 2024. 

What People Are Saying:

I thought this was a fabulous resource! As a small not for profit, a lot of time goes into our social media as a way of engaging with our audience and attracting new supporters. I spent so much time researching and mapping ‘days of’ and ‘months of’ when I first started. Having this, tailored for Australian users, was an absolute godsend.

Anita Busch

I had been meaning to do this for each month myself, and while I had some of the dates that were on the calendar I didn't have all of them and they provided me with a quick content creation idea for the day, which was very helpful as I have been totally run off my feet!

Kate Luke

As I’m the one who posts on our Facebook page, this resource was soooo welcomed! I’m aware that I frequently resort to posting ‘content’ that can be construed as relevant, just to have something on our page. So this is going to help me BIG time!

Virginia Huupponen

Loved it! Good ideas and a couple of dates that worked well for what we do in philanthropy.

Eunice Borrie

Hi Alecia, I just love the calendar, it is everything I had hoped for. The Didi Foundation will be back for September. You are a legend and we wish heaps of sunshine to your life.

Jan - Founder of the Did Foundation