5 Lessons Learnt Taking a Physical Event Digital
Welcome to the Change the World podcast. When we ran our Change the World event last March, we had no idea it was going to be our last physical event for the year.
We had been planning events in Adelaide, Auckland and Canberra, but within days the entire landscape had changed.
We’re not alone in this. Thousands of cause-organisations have had to cancel physical events or find ways to translate them to the digital world.
In today’s episode I speak to our Events & Partnership Coordinator Jessie Kapitola and we talk about the lessons we’ve learnt taking our digital conference online during the current COVID-19 crisis.
We are also excited to announce our next Change the World conference is happening on November 9 and will be live and online.
You can secure your tickets now at: https://change-the-world.heysummit.com/