Facebook Analytics is Going Away and Here is What You Need to Know
Oct 29, 2021
You may have heard Facebook’s announcement in the past week that they are removing the Facebook Analytics feature on June 30, 2021.
It definitely caused a heart palpitation or two for us over here at Hancock Creative HQ when this reached out ears as data is the lifeblood of a good social media strategy.
But the good news is… it’s nothing to panic about and is unlikely to impact most of you at all.
Why? Because the tool being removed Facebook Analytics, Facebook’s answer to Google Analytics, and is found within Facebook Business Manager. It is being removed because hardly anyone uses it.
Here are some screenshots of what you can find in Facebook Analytics within Facebook Business Manager.
If none of this looks familiar to you, you can heave a big sigh of relief because if you’re not looking at it now – nothing will change for you.
The confusion (and ensuing panic) has come from the terminology. Many people refer to the Facebook Insights tool as Facebook Analytics – we’ve been guilty of it ourselves a time or two. But the two are actually different things.
You can all rest assured tonight that Facebook Insights is NOT going anywhere and you will still have access to all that super important data that drives your social media strategy and helps your audience and engagement grow each month.
By the way, if you’re NOT looking at your Facebook Insights and have no idea what we’re talking about, that is something you need to fix. It’s impossible to succeed on social media in 2021 if you’re not measuring your data and knowing what to do with it.
Reach out to us and have a chat about how we can help you audit your social media and show you where to find your numbers, which ones matter and which ones don’t.
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