✨ Hello 2023! ✨ What will your year look like?

leadership Jan 10, 2023

 I get it. A New Year is really just a new day, a new week, a new month... 

But for me it has always been a signal for a reset. A fresh start and a time to create some change, whether that be in your organisation, your team or in yourself. 

For me, 2022 was NOT at all the year I thought it was going to be. That is why I’m giving myself permission (and you too!) to release what happened before, let go of any regrets or challenges from the last year and focus on what can be. 

It doesn’t matter any more what you did and didn’t get done last year… 

… it is time to start thinking fresh about what could be for you this year. 

 I don’t do New Year Resolutions, but I DO use the new year to create some really intentional goals for what I want this new year to look like.  

My first priority for 2023 is to find a new operating speed. I’ve realised the last few years with the challenges of COVID, my autoimmune issues and all the weirdness generally in the world I realised I had only two speeds – 10000% or 0%. I was either pushing myself WAY beyond my limits or crashing completely to recover.  

This year, my word of the year is balance and my goal is to find a much healthier way to do my best work – without burning myself out in the process.  

What about you? It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It could be… 

Learn a new skill. 

Take that trip. 

Launch that new program or service. 

Grow your income by 5%. 

Build your vollies back to pre-pandemic levels. 


Whatever it is, take the time to get really clear on what those goals look like. Here are my tips for your planning this week: 

1)    Look back on last year and what worked and what didn’t. Don’t dwell, but use it to decide what you do and don’t want this year. Now let go of the past. 

2)    Allow yourself to really dream big. If in 12 months time you were looking back at your most successful year yet – what did it look like? It’s time to push yourself. 

3)    Don’t make resolutions, set goals and put plans in place to achieve them. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Those goals need operating plans, marketing plans, tactical to do lists and all those good tangible things.  

Happy 2023 everyone and can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll do with it. 


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