Have you noticed emojis appearing next to the usernames of people you’re interacting with on the platform? Do you know what they actually mean?
We are used to using emojis to convey feelings in text messages or on social media posts. But do you actually know what the Snapchat emojis next to usernames mean?
In the Snapchat universe, the emojis are used to illustrate your level of connection or friendship with an individual user. It’s a good indicator to show how effective your one-on-one Snapchat game is.
Whether you think Snapchat is on the rise or the downslide, the reality is it is still ranked one of the biggest platforms in Australia with an estimated 6.4 million users at the time of writing.
Let’s unravel the Snapchat emoji mystery.
What do Snapchat Emojis Next to a Profile Picture Mean?
The Snapchat emojis are allocated to each user depending on how you and they interact with each other. It looks at thinks like how frequently you Snap or message each other and gives you an emoji to represent that relationship.
Smile 😊 – This person is one of your best Snapchat best friends. It means they are one of the people you snap the most frequently. You may get this emoji next to more than one contact. You aren’t necessarily on their best friends list though.
Yellow Heart 💛 – This emoji is pretty special, you will only get this if you and the other person are both each other’s top best friend on the app. That means you’re the one they are messaging most and you’re messaging them just as much. You can only have one of these.
Red Heart ❤️ - This is the next evolution of the yellow heart. If you’ve been someone’s top friend for two continuous weeks your yellow heart will turn to a red one.
Multiple Pink Hearts 💕 – You’ve now been best friends with someone on the platform for a full two months.
Sunglasses Face 😎 – It is getting a bit more complicated now. This means one of your best friends also happens to be best friends with someone else in your list. Known as ‘mutual best friends’.
Grimace 😬 – I am sure this one has caused an awkward moment or two. This means the person marked with the grimace has the same top best friend as you do! This means you both send the most of your snaps to the same person. Although it sounds negative, I wouldn’t be too worried.
Baby 👶 – Probably the easiest to understand, the baby emoji shows you have a new Snapchat relationship with someone. You have just added them to your friends list.
Birthday Cake 🎂 – Also fairly obvious, this means your friend is having a birthday!
Gold Star 🌟 – This appears when someone that isn’t you has replayed a friend’s nap in the last 24 hours. Not really sure when you’d use this. It would be a ‘stalkerish’ feeling conversation starter.
Fire 🔥 – This means you’re on a Snapstreak with this contact! You’ve sent and received snaps from the same person daily for at least 3 days. Manage to keep it going for 100 days or more and you’ll end up with this emoji instead: 💯
Hourglass ⌛ - This is letting you know an existing Snapstreak is about to end. You only have a few hours left to message that person to keep the streak alive (should you want to do so).
One final note – there used to be a smirking face emoji like this 😏 but it has been removed. It used to mean that this person sends you a lot of snaps, but you don’t snap them very often. It probably upset more than a few people and is likely the reason that Snapchat let it go.
Which faces appear on your Snapchat friends list?