Check out some of LinkedIn’s newest tools 🔧
Dec 14, 2021
LinkedIn has been changing things up lately and there are some new tools and features that you may want to check out.
- Hybrid Employee listing ⚡
You can now as a company list if your employees are ‘on-site’, ‘remote’ or now ‘hybrid’. This will show to potential employees and people interested in your organisation how flexible your company is.
- LinkedIn analytics adds competitors 📊
One of the features I’ve long-loved on Facebook is the change to ‘watch’ competitors or people you admire and benchmark how your organisation’s page is performing in comparison. I was pleased to see that LinkedIn has now added this feature under the heading of competitors. Simply go to your LinkedIn Page analytics and you’ll see the new competitors tab.
- An updated ‘My Company tab’ feature 💻
This tab allows for employees to stay up to date with company news, where it will provide staff notifications, stock information and trending company content.
- Creator Mode 🎨
Launched to increase organic conversations and audience reach, profiles will have featured and activity sections moved up higher to showcase more content. This is useful if your CEO or brand ambassador has a big community and would like to increase their thought leadership in the space. It also can unlock the newsletter feature.
- Boost posts 🚀
This feature will turn organic page updates into paid ads with additional tools to help track the performance of the boost. It will be interesting to see how effective these are as traditional LinkedIn ads are quite expensive and it may fall into the same category as Facebook boosting – too broad to be of real benefit. But we will keep you posted!
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