Facebook Groups are gold! Here’s why

Aug 27, 2021

Do you have a Facebook Group attached to your Page?

If you don’t have a Facebook Group, it could be worth thinking about. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, it’s quite enough work managing and maintaining a Facebook Page, let alone adding a Group into the workload!

I totally understand that. Time is precious. But, the value that comes from having a Group far outweighs the effort involved.

I LOVE Facebook Groups. We have a few attached to the Hancock Creative Facebook Page, and they’re so valuable for creating a sense of community. Which is what we all want, after all!

Facebook Groups are also awesome because they allow you to share your expert knowledge, which is another thing we’re all about here at Hancock Creative! By answering your community’s questions, encouraging and requesting feedback, and getting people to network, you can create incredible connections, too.

Research from Facebook shows that Groups are getting WAY more engagement than Pages, too. If you run a Facebook Page, you’ll know that it’s getting harder and harder to get your posts out there, as reach is dropping by the day. That’s not a problem with Groups! The content is prioritised by Facebook, because they understand that you belong to a Group because you’re genuinely interested in the subject and the content. The “new” Facebook is all about fostering communities and relationships, and showing users more of the content they want to see.

So, should you ditch your Page and focus on the Group instead? Nope! You need both! I like to think of your Facebook Page as your shopfront, where you can showcase your services, run ad campaigns, get reviews, and provide user-generated content. Facebook Pages show up in Google and provide valuable information like a map and contact information for your business. Users can also message you directly.

On the flipside, Facebook Groups are all about community. When people post in a Group, their comment takes centre-stage – unlike on a Page, where their posts are tucked away. Groups encourage interaction and conversation, in a safe space. Groups are gold!

Want to join our Group? You can! Just head here: Change the World.

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