Is Your Nonprofit Telling the Right Story? A Quick and Easy Audit

Jul 01, 2024

We all know the importance of a good story (or at least, I hope we do!). But when it comes to your nonprofit, are you telling the right one?

The truth is, many nonprofits get stuck focusing on themselves – their mission, their history, their amazing work. But that's not what compels people to donate, volunteer, or get involved.

Here's the secret sauce: Your story needs to be about your audience. It's about their problems, their needs, and how your amazing organisation creates change.

Ready to Audit Your Nonprofit's Story?

Grab a pen and paper (or your favorite note-taking app) because it's time for a quick and easy audit!

  1. The Big Snip: Head over to your website and social media channels. Copy and paste the text from your homepage blurb and "About Us" sections. Grab the content from your last few social media posts too.
  2. Story Time: Now, take a good look at all that text. What story is it telling? Imagine someone who's never heard of your organisation before. What are they learning about you?
  3. Who's the Hero? Is the story centered around your organization (the "we, we, we") or your audience (the "you, you, you")? Remember, your audience is the hero of your story!
  4. The "WIIFM" Test: Does your story answer the all-important question: "What is in it for me?" If someone has to dig to find out how you help them, they're probably going to click away.

By taking the time to audit and refine your story, you can make a real difference for your nonprofit. A compelling story can lead to:

- More donations

- More volunteers

- More people using your services

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your team and do that story audit! Remember, a few tweaks can make a world of difference.

Happy auditing,

P.S. Want to learn more about storytelling for nonprofits? You're going to want to check out The Training Vault.

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