Office do-gooding
Mar 16, 2018
We had a good look around Hancock Creative HQ the other day and scrutinised the way we work – were we being as sustainable as possible? Were we supporting the social enterprises that we know and love? Were we do-gooding to the best of our ability?
We are now! Here’s what we came up with:
Who Gives a Crap’s recycled toilet paper, kitchen roll and tissues. These guys put 50% of their profits towards building toilets in the developing world. Order online here:
Bottle for Botol’s stainless-steel water bottles. We’re proud to be involved with this amazing social enterprise, which donates a reusable bottle and water station to an Indonesian school for every Australian water bottle sold. Buy your bottle here:
Community Pod’s coffee for a cause. For every coffee purchase made, Community Pod gives 10% of the total value to a cause of YOUR choice. We love this!
KeepCup’s reusable coffee cups. This Australian social enterprise aims to reduce the use of paper cups, and we’re right behind it!
Urbano Village for EVERYTHING. We adore this organisation, and we love working with them. We also love buying ALL THE THINGS for ALL THE OCCASIONS, knowing that we’re supporting social causes.
Thank You for toiletries and snacks! What’s not to love about Thank You? Devoted to ending global poverty, they donate 100% of profits to people in need.
Love Thread & Co for clothes! Another of our wonderful clients, 100% of their profits go towards Love Thread Project, an organisation with a mission to end the exploitation of women through education, empowerment and restoration.
Enjo for cleaning products. We love Enjo – their chemical-free cleaning products are handcrafted, reusable and made from natural fibres.
Have a think about doing these things, too:
- Encourage staff to use real cutlery and reusable lunchboxes
- Use whiteboards to convey info instead of printing on paper
- Refill ink cartridges instead of buying new ones
- Switch off lights when the sun’s shining
- Print on both sides of the paper!
- Use refillable pens
- Install LED light globes
- Put on a jumper when it’s cold, take it off when it’s warm!
- Invest in a staple-less stapler
- Add plants and greenery to the office
We’d love you to take up our sustainable-office challenge – let us know your thoughts and show us your results!
Go forth and do good!
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