The number one cause of marketing failure

Jul 08, 2024

There are lots of reason why your organisation may be failing to get your stories to the right audience.

But there is one that stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Failing to do the work.

I won't lie, creating great content every single day for the same brand is hard. But it's not as hard as most people try to make it.

I have spent the past 13+ years teaching nonprofits and organisations how to tell their stories better in today's online world and I've noticed one constant. 

The people that succeed are the ones that take imperfect action, often.

They get in and do the work.

The truth is I could teach you everything I know. Print it out on paper and hand it to you, but it would still be useless to you - unless you're willing and able to do the work.

I had a past client that I eventually had to stop working with. They were a great cause and she was a great person, but she kept on investing in my classes, coaching calls, and so on. Yet every single time we spoke, she had the same problems.

 Every time I asked how she found implementing on the previous lessons, only for her to admit she hadn't got around to it yet. Yet, here she was back for more training.

While I knew I could help that organisation, I knew I had no control of whether or not she would use the advice I gave her. So I stopped working with her.

That's why I was so happy today when I read a message from an attendee at a recent workshop. She shared a link to a post she did in a private group based on one of the examples I shared.

That post reached significantly more people than normal, it got much higher engagement and was shared outside the group 6 times.

Now that is what makes me happy.

So I am here to tell you. Unless you have the budget to pay someone like me to come and do the work for you (and I know most of you don't), then you're going to be investing in one of two options - either independent education or coaching. 

Make sure you don't just make time to learn, make the time to take imperfect action.

That means even if you're not great at something yet, start having a go. Like going to the gym builds your muscles one workout at a time, your marketing and storytelling is built one post... one email... one funnel... one blog article at a time.

Today on this chilly Tuesday, I'd like to encourage you to make time this week to take action on one thing in your brands story. 

There are LOADS of lessons from me you can dive into for free, if you need some inspiration like:

This LinkedIn newsletter

My blog

My free 4-video class

YouTube tips

Have a go at any of it and you may just surprise yourself as to what is possible.

And if you do, I'd love to hear about it.

Happy action-taking,


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