The secret to social-media success

Mar 24, 2021

You know what we LOVE?

Seeing the storytelling button being switched on in people.

If you’ve ever been to one of our workshops, training days, mentoring sessions or Change the World events, you will TOTALLY get what we mean by this.

The storytelling button is the switch that’s flicked when you realise that you’re SURROUNDED by stories just waiting to be told. It’s the switch that’s flicked when you understand the formula for the perfect social-media post.

And honestly? That’s all there is to great content – simple storytelling.

We presented a social-media workshop at The City of Gosnells recently, and got to see this first-hand. We started by asking the wonderful folk in attendance what they’d usually post on their Facebook page, and we got the standard sort of responses – a chap from a tennis club said they tended to post their results; a lovely lady from a local Scouts group said they posted about the day-to-day events.

At the end of the workshop, we asked the same question, and GET THIS: the tennis-club chap said he’d be inclined to tell the story of a tournament in which a player from an opposing club seemed totally unfamiliar with a racquet and tennis ball, and had only agreed to play because his club was a player short. Discovering this, our chap asked his own player to lose a few sets to make the novice player feel better about his good deed. And he did! And there were smiles all round! And everyone at our workshop collectively agreed that this was a GREAT story that was well worth telling, because it said so much about our chap’s tennis club, and what they stood for.

Hearing this, our lovely lady from a local Scouts group also offered a story: “Well,” she said. “We spent a day last week painting rocks – some for the kids to keep, and some to take up to PMH and hide in their gardens, for the kids there to find.”

Goosebumps. Great story. Great Scouts group.

Seeing the storytelling switch flicked is what keeps us doing what we do.

We’re currently working with a wonderful group of worthy causes as part of our 12-month Gain & Retain social-media mentoring program. Our Perth group have turned their storytelling dial up to 11, and are reaping the rewards.

Zonta House are telling their stories and seeing their greatest engagement EVER, resulting in lots and lots of essential donations to their women’s refuge. Communified Inc are sharing the very raw, personal story of the charity’s beginnings, with incredible consequences. Tiny Sparks, Perth Heritage, Fairgame and Earbus (amongst others!) are all dropping their collective guards and opening up about the real, honest, human stories that define them.

All it takes is flicking on that storytelling switch and tapping into the real, human stories around you: the volunteer who show up every single day, come rain or shine. The supporter who donates $10 every month, the advocate running the HBF Run for a Reason in your name, the client who you mean EVERYTHING to. Find out their story, and share it with the world. We promise it will be worth it.

(If you’d like to find out more about storytelling for your cause, you might be interested in one of our workshops or training days! Or, visit our Cause Collective social-media village. The first month is free!)

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